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The first breakthrough is quantum challenge. There is interest in the use of quantum teleportation as a promising way to send a reliable transfer of qubits between two distant nodes regardless of the nature of the highly lossy network connections. The goal of the emulation tool is to investigate and understand how protocols interact using quantum information teleportation before a true quantum Internet can be realized. Nonetheless, this challenge helps clear unexpected significant obstacles toward the creation of global-scale quantum-enhanced optical networks.

As we know, the unimaginable growth of wireless technologies has changed the people's lifestyle. This enables the second breakthrough in wireless challenge to spur more pervasive connectivity to people through the mobile and heterogeneous devices than ever before.

The third breakthrough is sensor challenge, which allows sense-control-actuate technologies and gives rise to the emergence concept of cyber-physical systems. The cyber-physical systems is a smart system that comprises the information-gathering network that would feed the massive information technology core with mountains of raw data to be processed and controlled, and spun back out to us on our mobile devices in a timely manner.

The last breakthrough is energy challenge. The power industry is undertaking a transformation to a smarter energy distribution grid. Energy efficiency problems take different forms depending on the scale, from sensor devices to microgrids.

The qWiSE laboratory at JAIST addresses these challenges focusing on the advance research domains of quantum network, wireless communications and networks, sense-control-actuate system, and energy distribution. The qWiSE laboratory is headed by Assoc. Professor Yuto Lim. We invite you to explore our current work to obtain more information about establishing an amalgamation of collaborative relationship with us.


To be an exemplary laboratory that steers a top-class renowned students and scholars for forthcoming excellence research domains focusing on quantum, wireless, sensor, and energy.


The qWiSE laboratory strives is to apply multidisciplinary and innovative research strategically to explore novel research circles of quantum network, wireless communication, smart sensor system, and sustainable and renewable energy distribution, which have enormous potential to change the way things interact for societal needs.

I am looking for doctoral students with strong backgrounds in mathematics and programming skills. Potential applicants with their own funding are mostly welcome or you can apply the JAIST's employment-type scholarship, called University Assistant (UA). This UA is available for highly motivated doctoral students who want to engage in the said research domains of this laboratory. Please do not hesitate to send me an email with your resume, research proposal and list of publications.

Contact Information

qWiSE Laboratory
Next-generation Digital Infrastructure Research Area
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Technology
Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST)
1-1 Asahidai, Nomi, Ishikawa, 923-1292 JAPAN
TEL: (+81)761-51-1285
FAX: (+81)761-51-1149


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