Registration Methods

PRICAI 2008 accept your registration through either of:

  1. Online Registration (PRICAI, PRICAI+workshops)
    Only-Workshop participant can register to the workshop through this page

  2. Fax the registration form (in case of special reasons)
    PRICAI 2008 Registration Office
    Fax#: +81-761-51-1732 or +81-761-51-1730

Registration Form Fees and other Notes

All prices are in Japanese YEN (JPY).

1.Registration Basic fees

Category By August 25th Early (Until October 20th) Late (After October 20th) Note
AUTHOR 44,000 N/A For each accepted paper to be included in the proceedings at least one author should do registration by this category. 

In case only one person registers to multiple papers, we offer "Extra Paper" option to authors.

REGULAR 44,000 50,000
STUDENT 22,000 25,000 Need to send the official student status verification to PRICAI 2008 Registration Office.


2.Author's Option

Author's Option Price/extra paper Note
Extra Paper 10,000

This is available as an option to "Author's Registration", and covers the registration of one paper and one printed proceedings besides your registration to the first paper.


Extra Proceedings and Tutorial/Workshops


Unit price


Registration to Tutorial/Workshops


The registration to any of Tutorial/Workshops covers the attendance fee, one workshop proceedings or tutorial note, and all other workshop/tutorial handling fees.

All workshops (PKAW 2008, EMALP 2008, SCKT 2008, KLLBI 2008) and the tutorial are scheduled on the same days of 16 December. Some of them can be organized on two days of 15 and 16 December.

Extra PRICAI 2008 Proceedings


As the number of copies is limited, please let us know if you like to buy any additional proceedings in advance.

Extra Tutorial Note


The price is for each of the printed proceedings of the tutorial, PKAW 2008, EMALP 2008, SCKT 2008 and KLLBI 2008

Extra Workshop Proceedings


4.Multiple Conference Attendance Discounts (To Be Announced)

In case a participant to PRICAI 2008 also plans to participate to PRIMA 2008 and/or KICSS 2008, we will discount the registration fee. The discounted amount will be refunded you at each conference reception desk. More information will be announced later.

Method of Payment
Payment Method Notes
Credit Cards (Paypal) Preferred If you are not familiar with PayPal, please visit to learn "What is paypal" and sign up.
PRICAI 2008 Online Registration will directly lead you to the PayPal website to perform your payment.
In case you do not use the link to PayPal from the Online registration,
please use the PayPal's function "SendMoney".
To (e-mail address)
Amount The correct total amount of your registration in JPY.
Send money for choose "Services/Other"

Please do not forget to fill out the option "Email to recipient" in order to make the content of your payment clear to us.

Bank Transfer Please make it sure that the applicant is responsible to all International/Domestic remittance commissions. After making your remittance to us, please send the proof from the bank by fax or e-mail to us (see the contact).
Bank name THE HOKKOKU BANK, LTD., Tatsunokuchi branch
Beneficiary name PRICAI2008
Bank code 0146
Branch code 217
Account number 289229
Bank address Tatsunokuchi-machi 104, 923-1245 JAPAN
Bank tel +81-761-51-3101
Address for account holder Asahidai 1-1, 923-1292 JAPAN
TEL# for account holder +81-761-51-1732


Official Receipt

Official Reciept of PRICAI 2008 will be handed to you at the reception Desk during PRICAI 2008 in December, or mailed to you after the conference.
In case the registration is completed via "Online Registration" and paid via PayPal, the tentative confirmation of your registration will be sent to you via e-mails just after processing. If the registration is through fax or the payment is through bank transfer, the tentative confirmation may take for some days to reach you.


Cancellation policy

Author registration cannot be cancelled.
In other cases, Cancellation before November 15th, 2008 will be refunded by substracting processing fees (depending on the payment method). After November 15th, cancellation is not available in any case.




If you have any question, please contact to:

PRICAI 2008 Registration Office
Ho laboratory
Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Asahidai 1-1, Nomi, Ishikawa
923-1211 JAPAN
Tel/Fax: +81-761-51-1732


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