knowl-edge \'na^:l-ij\ n [ME knowlege, fr. knowlechen to acknowledge, irreg. fr. knowen] (14c) 1 obs: COGNIZANCE 2a (1): the fact or condition of knowing something with familiarity gained through experience or association 2a (2): acquaintance with or understanding of a science, art, or technique 2b (1): the fact or condition of being aware of something 2b (2): the range of one's information or understanding 2c: the circumstance or condition of apprehending truth or fact: COGNITION 2d: the fact or condition of having information or of being learned 3 archaic: SEXUAL INTERCOURSE 4a: the sum of what is known: the body of truth, information, and principles acquired by mankind 4b archaic: a branch of learning syn KNOWLEDGE, LEARNING, ERUDITION, SCHOLARSHIP mean what is or can be known by an individual or by mankind. KNOWLEDGE applies to facts or ideas acquired by study, investigation, observation, or experience; LEARNING applies to knowledge acquired esp. through formal, ften advanced, schooling; ERUDITION strongly implies the acquiring of profound, recondite, or bookish learning; SCHOLARSHIP implies the possession of learning characteristic of the advanced scholar in a specialized field of study or investigation. syn: knowledge n 1 syn EDUCATION 2, erudition, learning, scholarship, science ant ignorance2 the body of things known about or in science syn information, lore, science, wisdom rel advice, intelligence, news; data, evidence, facts, input know-how \'no^--,hau.\ n (1838) :knowledge of how to do something smoothly and efficiently: EXPERTISE 1know \'no^-\ knew \'n(y):u\; known \'no^-n\; know-ing [ME knowen, fr. OE cna^-wan; akin to OHG bichna^-an to recognize, L gnoscere, noscere to come to know, Gk gigno^-skein] vt (bef. 12c) 1a (1): to perceive directly: have direct cognition of 1a (2): to have understanding of 1a (3): to recognize the nature of: DISCERN 1b (1): to recognize as being the same as something previously known 1b (2): to be acquainted or familiar with 1b (3): to have experience of a: to be aware of the truth or factuality of: be convinced or certain of 2b: to have a practical understanding of 3 archaic: to have sexual intercourse with ~ vi 1: to have knowledge 2: to be or become cognizant -- know-able \'no^--e-bel\ adj -- know-er \'no^-(-e)r\ n 1know-ing \'no^--i{nj}\ n (14c) :ACQUAINTANCE, COGNIZANCE 2knowing adj (14c) 1: having or reflecting knowledge, information, or intelligence 2: shrewdly and keenly alert: ASTUTE 3: COGNITIVE 4: DELIBERATE -- know-ing-ly adv -- know-ing-ness n