1doc-u-ment \'da^:k-ye-ment\ n [ME, fr. MF, fr. LL & L; LL documentum official paper, fr. L, lesson, proof, fr. doce^-re to teach -- more at DOCILE] (15c) 1a archaic: PROOF, EVIDENCE 1b: an original or official paper relied on as the basis, proof, or support of something 1c: something (as a photograph or a recording) that serves as evidence or proof 2a: a writing conveying information 2b: a material substance (as a coin or stone) having on it a representation of the thoughts of men by means of some conventional mark or symbol 2c: DOCUMENTARY -- doc-u-men-tal \,da^:k-ye-'ment-)el\ adj 2doc-u-ment \'da^:k-ye-,ment\ vt (1711) 1: to furnish documentary evidence of 2: to furnish with documents 3a: to provide with factual or substantial support for statements made or a hypothesis proposed; esp: to equip with exact references to authoritative supporting information 3b: to construct or produce (as a movie or novel) with authentic situations or events 4: to furnish (a ship) with ship's papers -- doc-u-ment-able \-e-bel, ,da^:k-ye-'\ adj -- doc-u-ment-er \'da^:k-ye-,ment-er\ n syn: document n 1 something preserved and serving as evidence (as of an event, a situation, or the culture of a period) syn archive(s), monument, record rel evidence, testimony 2 usu documents pl syn CREDENTIALS, certification, documentation, paper(s) doc-u-men-ta-tion \,da^:k-ye-men-'ta^--shen, -,men-\ n (1884) 1: the act or an instance of furnishing or authenticating with documents 2a: the provision of documents in substantiation; also: documentary evidence 2b (1): the use of historical documents 2b (2): conformity to historical or objective facts 2b (3): the provision of footnotes, appendices, or addenda referring to or containing documentary evidence 3: INFORMATION SCIENCE 4: the usu. printed instructions, comments, and information for using a particular piece or system of computer software or hardware -- doc-u-men-ta-tion-al \-shnel, -shen-)el\ adj 1doc-u-men-ta-ry \,da^:k-ye-'ment-e-re^-, -'men-tre^-\ (1802) 1: being or consisting of documents: contained or certified in writing 2: of, relating to, or employing documentation in literature or art; broadly: FACTUAL, OBJECTIVE -- doc-u-men-tar-i-ly \-men-'ter-e-le^-, -,men-\ adv 2documentary n, pl -ries (1935) :a documentary presentation (as a film or novel)