The papers,
Common Owning, Transmission and Development of Knowledge and
Formation of social norms in communicating agents
with cognitive frameworks, are revised. [01/03/06]
The paper,
The Formation of Common Norms under the Assumption of
`Fundamentally' Imperfect Information, is revised. [00/12/02]
A paper,
Formation of institutions, Institutional action, Cognitive framework,
Multi-agent model, and a preprint,
Common Owning, Transmission and Development of Knowledge
, are added. [00/10/07]
The paper,
Forming and Sharing Norms under the Assumption of
`Fundamental' Imperfect Information, is revised. [00/04/20]
The papers,
Modeling Categorization Dynamics through Conversation
by Constructive Approach,
Constructive Modeling toward the Dynamics of Language
Forming and Sharing Norms under the Assumption of
`Essential' Imperfect Information
, are added. [00/03/23]
Some movies are added to the
cinema page. [99/07/03]
The paper,
Dynamics of Word Relationship
based on a Dynamical View of Language,
(to appear in 'Ninchi-Kagaku' (in Japanese)), is
revised. [99/02/05]
The studies page reconstructed. [99/02/05]
The paper,
Dynamics of Categorization
based on a Dynamical Viewpoint for Language,
submitted to 'Ninchi-Kagaku' (in Japanese), is
added. [98/11/26]
The paper,
Development of Language Structure based on Usage Similarity,
to appear in 'Bussei Kenkyu' (in Japanese), is added. [98/09/08]
The paper
Dynamics of Internal and Global Structure through Linguistic
to appear in ' The Proceedings of Multi-agent systems and Agent-Based
Simulation (MABS)', is updated. [98/09/08]
Two preprints,
Development of Language Structure based on Usage Similarity
submitted to 'Evolutionary Computational Linguistics' and
Modeling Categorization Dynamics through Conversation
by Constructive Approach, to appear in 'MABS98', are added [98/05/27]
A CD shops list is added to the book stores list.
(Japanese Only).
The new page for travel is created
(Japanese Only).
The new page about ISP with roaming service is created
(Japanese Only).
The new page about books is created
(Japanese Only).
AROB98 accepted paper is added [97/11/05]
The link list about Mobile Gear is created
(Japanese Only).
The new page about Mobile Gear is created
(Japanese Only).
Visitor counter is created in the front
Some links are added in "Links to The Fabulous
World." [97/05/08]
The new page "Art" is created in "My favorite
things." [97/05/03]
There are some impressions of exhibitions and museumes. (in Japanese)
Kobe Fashion Museum
Museum of Modan Art
Exibition of the Art of Tibetan Esoteric Buddhism
Exibition of Essher
Boston Museum
The impressions of some cinemas are added. (in Japanese)
The Night Porter
The Colour of Pomegranates/Sayat Nova
Tears of Ecstasy -- CHI-IN
ECAL97 accepted paper [97/05/01]
Usage-based Structuralization of Relationships between Words
Many photographs taken at Spain and Italy are added.
A link to
is added to the page "Links to Fabulous World".
A link to
Dr. Taiji
is added to the page "Links to Fabulous World".
A new book store Powell's
is added to the page "Guide to Book Shops
on the Web" (in Japanese)
The page "TH's Personal Data"
is consructed. [96/06/10]
The page of
"Links to Fabulous World"
is constructed.[96/06/07]
Added links:
Ikegami School
Mr. Iba
Guide to Book Stores on the Web
(in Japanese) [96/05/01]
Inpression of a cinema "WHEN NIGHT IS FALLING" (in Japanese) [96/04/24]
PhD thesis [96/04/01]
Thesis (completed!!)
(in japanese)
ALife-V submitted paper [96/03/01]
Replication and Diversity in Machine-Tape Coevolutionary Systems