A Causal Model of Evolution

George Kampis

Fujitsu Visiting Professor of Complex Systems
Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

Chairman, Department of History and Philosophy of Science
Eotvos University, Budapest, Hungary


Evolution is more than just adaptation and selection - these, taken alone, do not produce an open-ended process, as seen in the present-day evolutionary simulations. Based on considerations from causality, a new model is developed, which allows for a dynamic expansion of the selection forces active at a given moment. In this way a sustained evolutionary process may become possible. I present both the theory and some first, still preliminary, simulation results.

            Reference: http://www.jaist.ac.jp/~g-kampis/EvoTech/ET.htm

Evolutionary Modeling: The Search for Missing Ingredient(s)

The starting point of this lecture, and of the research behind, is a critical evaluation of the current state of the art in the modeling and the use of evolutionary systems in biology, artificial intelligence/cognitive science, robotics, technology and elsewhere.
The hurried should jump to my discussion of Jordan Pollack stuff and beyond.

A more pedestrian approach should start with the question, what is evolution.
Here are two simplified definitions of evolution, both are fairly well known.

definition 1
evolution = a (recursive) change in the genotype of a population as a result of selection;
    or, since this usually leads to a weakly or strongly convergent process which favors the successful, we have:
    evolution = adaptation by selection

definition 2
evolution = a historical process that yields new functional genotypes,
    or, since a functional genotype is what makes up an organism, and since organisms tend to form dissimilar groups of similar individuals, we get
    evolution = origin of species

Endless debates exist whether these two definitions are the same, that is, whether Darwinian theory, which linked them first, is basically correct.
This is a topic ever since Darwin, for recent popular versions see Gould vs Dennett.
    A brief historical note. Many chapters of Origin are about how selection and other directive forces arise as a consequence of other factors.
    In other words, Darwin's claim is not that def. 1 implies def. 2. Rather, he forwards a complex set of claims which implies both 1&2.

In the present talk I am studying one aspect of this big issue from the point of view of modelling, and I propose a solution (= test an idea).

Evolutionary models
Note that genetic algorithms, evolutionary programming, genetic programming etc. apply evolution for some other purpose,
and I will not discuss them separetely. Instead, here are 3 simple steps, beginning with the trivial. Then a 4th, summarizing.

1 - Dawkins' biomorphs system (a child's toy - indeed a childish toy - but....)
2 - Tierra and related systems (of Tom Ray)
3 - The Golem project (of Jordan Pollack)
4 - Why is there a barrier in all these systems?

1 Dawkins' biomorphs                        (here we could take his "Wiesel applet" instead; it's slightly different but not so much)
   These systems are widely available. They develop interactive semi-fractal trees. Some example realizations are here:
                        and an illustration is this.
   The system provides iteration of hand-selected populations with selective asexual breeding (winner-takes-all, non-overlapping generations etc)
   This may sound simple or even simplistic, yet note that it's a non-random example:
        (1) Dawinks is a non-accidental figure, he the Chomsky of the "def1 implies def2" view
        (2) biomorphs are meant as serious examples for evolutionary programs
    The Dawkins toys are suitable for helping us to a simple point, which is this:
                        These programs are adaptive (and trivially so), but not constructive/productive (of either novelty or functional diversity).
                        Note that trees remain trees and never turn into a wristwatch, which was Dawkins' own example for evolution

2 Tierra, Core Wars and other self-breeding programs
    Core War is the competiton of assembly language ("RedCode") programs in and for memory space, in order to terminate other program's processes.
    One possible good strategy is to reproduce exponentially, which yields something like computer viruses contained in the embedding system.
    An illustration core dump is here.
    Several attempts exist to turn this systems into an evolution model, here is one from 1991:
The breakthough was the Tierra system by Tom Ray, which is a system that just accomplishes this goes, here you see its front-end.
    Tierra is CW + self-reproduction programs + mutation, the key was to design a mutation-friendly assembly language
    Literally hundreds of similar systems exist today, such as Avida, which is also quite well known. For one summary of these see:

    Okay, so what happens in these systems?
        (1) competition, selection, & differential survival lead to emergence of dominant genotypes from suitable but otherwise random seeds
        (2) famously, new "discoveries" are made in/by these systems, such as the emergence of
                    faster, shorter self-replicating programs
    How far can we get here? Not really much further. It is fun looking at for five minutes, or so-so for half an hour, but stops by next morning.
                   The system is productive but not constructive, or not constructive enough; new functional types emerge but not in an open-ended way.

3 The Golem Project
    An experiment in mixed software-robotic systems for the adaptive breeding of new locomotion solutions.
    Run by Jordan Pollack, http://www.cs.brandeis.edu/~pollack/
                H. Lipson and J. B. Pollack (2000), "Automatic design and Manufacture of Robotic Lifeforms", Nature 406, pp. 974-978.
                R. Brooks (2000) From Robot Dreams to Reality, Nature 406, pp. 946-947
    Current flagship of Artificial Life & evolution (cum robotics) approach.
    Produced several astounding results in the first phase of the project.

      Here is an evolved creature. Some others can be seen at http://demo.cs.brandeis.edu/golem/results.html

      Yet after a point we do not get any further.
      Here is a straight quotation from Pollack:

The golem@Home project has concluded. After accumulating several Million CPU hours on this project and reviewing many evolved creatures we have concluded that merely more CPU is not sufficient to evolve complexity: The evolutionary process appears to be hitting a complexity barrier that is not traversable using direct mutation-selection processes, due to the exponential nature of the problem. We are now developing new theories about additional mechanisms that are necessary for the synthetic evolution of complex life forms. Some of these new mechanisms are based on ideas of modularity, regularity, hierarchy, symbiosis and co-evolution. These ideas are resulting in a new generation of artificial-life systems.

4 Why do we experience a barrier?
Fact: Sustained, open-ended evolution is not possible in currently available simulations.
    A similar complaint was recently aired also by Rod Brooks, R. Standish and several others.

Looking for the reasons, we enter a murky territory, however.
     Part of the discussion is concerned with the old-new (pseudo-)philosophical debate about novelty.
     I only give you a glimpse of that here.
    "Can anything ever be new?" -is the question.
    There are two views.           (1) Yes; the unconceived children that have no name and no identity are not defended even by the Pope.
                                                    They just don't exist by any standards. Nor do future species. Evolutionary models should incoroporate a similar ability,
                                                    that of coming up with something radically new.
                                                (2) No; it's always just known combinations of known elements (including your possible children with all other men/women).
                                                    Evolution models should explore the space of combinations more efficiently.
    And so the debate is on, between the "emergence" and the "combinations" schools,  with no end in sight.

Here is an alternative approach.
    Suppose there is something that natural evolution possesses, but these models don't (or else why dont't they work?)
    If we can suggest a candidate for that missing factor, this might help overcome or understand the problem.
    The suggestion that I will forward here is based on the notion of causality.

My diagnosis-plus-suggestion is simple:
Present-day evolutionary models "run out of steam" because they assume that definition1 implies definition2.
What actually happens, then, is that selection behaves in/for these systems like an input resource which is only consumed and finally depleted.
When that point is reached, further development stops.
Similar to the robot's dilemma: "what to do next?".
        Ford, K., and Z. Pylyshyn, Eds. (1996). The Robot's Dilemma Revisited. Norwood, NJ: Ablex.
        Pylyshyn, Z., Ed. (1987). The Robot's Dilemma. Norwood, NJ: Ablex.

The idea now is that causal processes can imply both definitions 1&2, much as in Darwin's original theory.
Causality, properly uinderstood, has the role to give a kick to the evolutionary process when it's about to halt.

A Causal Model of Evolution

1 - Causality
2 - The role of causality in (co) evolution
3 - A new evolutionary model

1 Causality

The understanding of causality is crucial for science in general (and, as I suggest, evolution in particular).
An intuitively clear concept, yet there is considerable difficulty in its characterization.

Some candidates:
   - "function" (B. Russell) - but it can boil down to mere correlation (E., Sober, contra Reichenbach and others)
   - counterfactual dependence (if not A then not B) to express "A evokes B", but subject to same problem: maybe correlation
   - manipulability of B by A - different idea, note that it is no more formal! an anthropocentric definition, how about nature?
   - depth:

        Causality is a relationship between (the occurrence of) events which involves more events of a different type
        for which the same (i.e. an equivalent) relation holds

    Of special interest is not in causal chains (i.e. temporally disjoint sets of consequences), but in the existence of simultaneous causal relations.

                C1     R1      E1                        C = cause  R = relation  E = effect

      always involves

                C2     R2      E2
                .. .      .. .      .. .
                .. .      .. .      .. .
                Cn    Rn        En                        such that R1 holds iff R2......Rn holds

    A simple example is causality occuring in static supervenient levels.
    For isntance, taking medicine to heal an illnes "is the same" as blocking receptors to fend off antigens.
    These are different ways of approaching "the same phenomenon" - in fact NOT the same phenomenon but the same, but deep, causal relation.

    Supervenience is only one example. It has asymmetric dependence bw constituing relations,a fixed number (typically 2) of layers such as molecular/mental etc.
    Usually, causal relations connected by depts are more symmetrical.
    Depth is a modal (indexical) property - which is strictly speaking an euphemism for "implicit", "hidden", "tacit", "contextual", or "non-formal".
    But, then, causality has never been entirely formal.
            Judea Pearl (2000): Causality, Models, Reasoning, and Inference, Cambridge U. Press.
            Ian Hacking (1983): Representing and Intervening, Cambridge University Press.

2 The role of causality in (co) evolution
What here follows is a hypothesis when coming to details, but it begins with plain enough facts. Here is one.

Evolution is just co-evolution.
    Co-evolution = mutual depencence of biotic selection forces (e.g. host - parazyte relations).
    Co-evolution occurs in every ecosystem        Van Valen 1973
                                                                        Stenseth and Maynard Smith 1984
In short, selection forces in natural evolution are (very often) biological, being themselves evolutionary products  (this goes back to Darwin).
(Nobody denies this, as far as I can tell, but it is suprisingly difficult to find works about just that...., except maybe buddhist etc. stuff)

    Illustration 1,
    Deliberately taking what (at surface level) may look like physical adaptation:
    white rabbit fur in the Arctic. This is a result of a multi-step adaptation process induced by migration from southern predators, hence,
    it is an adaptation to these predators.

    Illustration 2
    In Tierra-like systems, adaptation to other programs, e.g. co-operation, occurs in response to a "ceteris paribus" presence of other, evolved, programs.

My suggestion is to make causality (i.e. causal depth) responsible for the evolutionary origin of selection forces.
The idea is that adaptation changes properties (in step 1) which, in turn, changes interactions (in step 2), allowing for the iteration of (1 &2).
     Step 1, adaptation, influences several causal "layers".
     A cause-effect relation triggered by cause Ci evokes events E1...... En because of the "depth"of the causal interaction.
     Some of these (Ej) can trigger further events, e.g. when certain thresholds are crossed.
     That is, adaptation in one species can "turn on" new selection processes concerning other species.
Sustained evolution is causal evolution.

Consider a fox - hedgehog - parasitic insect ecosystem.
    Foxes move into a territory, exert pressure on small hogs, which develop thorns, providing new shelter for mites & fleas, which increase in numbers
    and adapt to their new enviroment.
    (There are several crude simplifications here, as in every other popular bedtime tale of evolution. Let us now keep to these simplifications.)


foxes move in
  ----------------------------           >                 ------------------------- event that thorns appear *                     

  ----------------------------                              ....

  ----------------------------                              .....
  ----------------------------                              ------------------------- thorns provide cavities between     >     ------------------------ fleas catch up

                                                dynamics1                                              >                                                dynamics 2
                                            (selection equation)                                                                                   (population dynamics and possibly selection)   

- by the asterisk I remind the reader that this is shorthand for a complicated sequence of events.

3 A new evolutionary model
A new computer model is being developed and tested by us, which incorporates causal ideas of (co)evolution.

We call it a work in evolutionary technology, mainly to free ourselves from many biological details.
There is but one rule: To obtain open-ended evolution, anything goes, as long as it does not crash your hard disk.
The goal is to develop a system capable of such sustained evolution.

Work in cooperation with L. Gulyas  - PhD student        http://www.sztaki.hu/~gulyas/indexE.html
                                                        - was at Government Department and Center for Basic Research in the Social Sciences (CBRSS), Harvard
                                                        - worked with Lars-Eric Cederman
                                                        - background on Java and Java based development in basic research and AI.

Need: "digital organisms" that
            reproduce / mutate / have crossover
            undergo property- (i.e. phenotype-) based selection
            maintain variable length records for phenotype encoding
            can switch interaction/selection at given thresholds

Agent-based modelling and simulation technology:
            a generative simulation method, the current version of "artificial worlds" approach that exists since 1970 (M.Conrad, Wayne State)
            RePast system, U. Chicago; SWARM-like but for social simulations, supports permeable, mutually defining agents
            in the agent setting, selection can be freed from nonfunctional (e.g. spatial) constraints byproducts of other software models.

Realization details
Organisms have a list of properties ("slots") that can take on values.
Properties (ie. phenotypic traits) are heritable and don't change during lifetime, but are not represented in separate genes
    (or take 1-1 mapping between gene and trait).
There are three kinds of events: random mating and random nutrition, and random change of slots (addition/deletion).
Mating means sexual reproduction, based on the similarity distance between two phenotypes. The number of offspring is funtion of this distance.
The event of mating is composed of: encounter, sprawning of offspring(s), mutation, and crossover.
Feeding is similarity distance dependent between "predator and prey".
Organisms have a lifetime, which feeding extens with a progressively discounted value.

In other words, this is a phenotype (i.e.interactor) based selection model with two kinds of selection: sexual and eliminative.
The idea is to develop species which change: split up into several, functionally different species in the presence of new slots, but not without.
But first we wanted to test if the model is suitable as an evolutionary model at all.

Interface: Control and Display

The picture also shows a sample run in which one species emerges. A longer run is here.


1 - Will it work at all?
            Get any meaningful behavior? Collapses or runaways threaten in various ways.
            A technical detail here: a system which is expected to evolve multiple species cannot conserve energy... so, guess....

2 - Can we get stable species?
            Not a trivial question, again.
            We know of no other evolutionary simulation with changing phenotype space and with feedback from phenotype to the selection force.
            Technically, variable length records can (and sometimes do) make the selection process crash.

3 - Can we develop new species? New ecology?
            Of course, the answer strongly depends on what we mean by species. So let us reformulate the question:
            Can we get stable distribution of values over the slots, despite the slot composition changing?
            Can a stable distribution be turned multi-modal afterwards?
            Can a multi-modal distribution allow for new selective events?

4 - Can we get sustained evolution this way?
            If the answer to 3 is positive, how may times can we repeat the procedure? Is open-ended evolution possible?

Some preliminary results

So far we have some partial answers.

1 - Yes. The model clearly works and shows basic features expected from every evolutionary model.
        E.g. Fisher's theorem, stabilizing selection vs drift, etc etc.

2 - Yes. In a minimal ecosystem, the model can produce stable species in a very wide range of parameters.
        e.g.:    Mutation rate bw. 0 and 0.3
                  New slot rate bw. 0 and 0.1
                  Energy consumption and energy discount rates 1-10 and 0.8 to 0.99, respectively.

3 - Probably yes. On paper it works already :-))
        The principle is that a property record of a given length allows for the functioning, but not for emergence of multiple species,
                   defined as stable value distributions over the slots.

4 - The long-term target of the research.

Where to go from here?

1 - theory    causal feedback, niche construction, competition avoidance - very strongly underdeveloped field.
                        one major publication is    
                        Laland, K.N./Odling-Smee, F.J./Feldman, M.W. 1999. Niche construction, biological evolution and cultural change.
                                    Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23: 131—175.
2 - experiments  get 3 & 4